Stay Interviews

Stay Interviews are the next level way to assess your culture & obtain employee feedback. We take a human approach that demonstrates care & creates belonging.


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Hear from your team what you’re currently doing well, & should keep doing.


Learn what you could be doing better, & how to optimize your culture for a successful future.


Stay Interviews eliminate the noise & provide clarity & direction for where to prioritize your efforts to retain your amazing people.


You’re not like most companies!

Similar to exit interviews, but instead of asking people why they’re leaving, you ask them why they stay & what might cause them to leave. Most companies ask these questions when it’s too late to know what you’re doing well, & what you could do better to keep your incredible people.

How it Works:

The Perk Stay Interview™  4-Step Process:

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Before we jump into the Stay Interviews, let’s take a step back to ensure we are aligned on what success looks like.

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We use The Perk Stay Interview Process, including our signature questions & coaching skills, to establish trust, leverage curiosity, & gain insight from your team.

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Analysis & Report
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With the Stay Interview data in-hand, we then analyze, summarize, & create a report with actionable next steps.

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You know what's the worst? Being given a bunch of data without an action plan. In your final report, we include our recommendations for actions to take, based on what we’ve heard & our experience.


Quotes from Stay Interview Participants